Jacob Hall

How Dynamite’s New James Bond Comic Creates a 007 We Haven’t Seen Before
James Bond doesn’t even show up until you’re surprisingly deep into the new comic book series that bears his name.
The first issue opens with a man on the run. We see this man’s terrified, panicked face. We see his desperation...

Tracy Morgan’s Brian Fellow Returns to SNL and Brings a Camel With Him
Every time an SNL alumni returns to the host the show, they are often granted the chance to dust off characters and recurring sketches. Sometimes, the results can be a little sad. Sometimes, the results can be funny and get your nostalgia pumping into overdrive. Tracy Morgan returning to the character of Brian Fellow was the definitely the latter...even though one of his co-stars did steal the sketch right out from under him.

See ‘Spectre’ as Many Times as You Want With Unlimited Regal Cinemas Pass
Regal Cinemas is betting big on Spectre being a good movie. More specifically, they are betting that you, being the devoted James Bond fan that you are, will think Spectre is a good movie. Scratch that. They are betting on you thinking Spectre is a great movie, a movie worth seeing over and over and over again while it’s in theaters. That’s why they’re offering you the chance to buy an unlimited pass that will allow you see the 24th 007 adventure as many times as you’d like.

The New ‘Spectre’ Poster Features a Snazzy Suit and a Scary Skull
After the success of Skyfall, all Spectre needed to do was announce a release date and audiences would flock to the 24th James Bond adventure without any help. Its posters don’t even have to be particularly clever – all they need is Daniel Craig’s handsome mug, a gun, and maybe a sharp-looking suit. The latest poster has all of that and some guy in a creepy skull mask, so let’s call this one a little better than average.

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Will Monopolize All IMAX Screens For an Entire Month
We’ve known for a long time that Star Wars: The Force Awakens would screen in IMAX theaters because director J.J. Abrams filmed one key sequence with IMAX cameras. But now, we’ve learned the full extent of Disney and Lucasfilm’s plans for large format presentation and it’s exactly what you’d expect from a studio that has the most popular movie franchise on the planet and the power to do whatever it wants with it. The new Star Wars movie has booked pretty much every IMAX screen in the world for four weeks. Everyone with the desire to see this movie on the biggest movie screens in the world now has plenty of time to do so.

The Complete Character Line-Up Is Revealed in Seven ‘The Hateful Eight’ Posters
Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight is our most anticipated movie of 2015 that doesn’t have the words “star” or “wars” in the title, so pardon us if we can’t help but get excited over the complete batch of posters that have arrived online. The film’s eight characters are spread across seven posters, showing off one seriously impressive ensemble. One film would be lucky to get two or three of these people. But all together? Speaking Quentin Tarantino dialogue? Can we buy a ticket now?

Sam Mendes Says ‘Spectre’ Is a James Bond Origin Story
James Bond has always been more of a figure than a character, sliding through the decades as constantly fluctuating collection of what society enjoys at any particular time. 007’s evolution into something more complex and human in the Daniel Craig era is also a reflection of the times. This is what we want out of an action hero in 2015. Now, Spectre looks to take this route to its natural conclusion. According to director Sam Mendes, his film will answer one of the great unanswered questions in cinema: Where did James Bond come from?

New ‘Spectre’ Featurette Explores the Women in James Bond’s Life
In addition to resurrecting 007’s oldest nemesis, 'Spectre' looks to bring back the “Bond woman” in a big way.

New ‘Hateful Eight’ Poster Introduces Kurt Russell and Jennifer Jason Leigh
Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight has already revealed a series of elegant and gorgeous posters. Now, in what appears to be the first in a series, it’s unveiled this one-sheet to introduce two of the characters in the upcoming Western, namely Kurt Russell’s John Ruth and Jennifer Jason Leigh’s Daisy Domergue.

An Extended ‘Hobbit’ Trilogy is Returning to Theaters to Test Your Endurance
Remember the Hobbit movies? Your butt certainly does. Although they weren’t as long as the Lord of the Rings movies, Peter Jackson’s second series of films set in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-Earth felt much longer. Each film could have stood to lose at least 30 minutes from its running time. Heck, the trilogy should’ve been two movies but that’s a conversation for another day. The point is that these already long movies have extended cuts and these extended cuts are returning to theaters this October.