Fearless Surfer Sets Himself of Fire, Then Rides the Waves
Jamie O'Brien is a very hot name in the surfing world. VERY hot.
Earlier this week, OBrien set himself on fire in Tahiti and then surfed in the water as part of his original web series.
I caught the best wave of my life today. It was a dream wave, and I was on fire. It was the biggest adrenaline rush of my life. Everything went super smooth."
O'Brien said the idea came about from someone who asked him about it on Instagram. If you're wondering how exactly he pulled off this stunt, he can explain it himself: "I had a thermal setup underneath everything, then threw a wetsuit on and had another layer over the top. Then I had a hoodie on and a Body Glove wetsuit on top of that, and I was just right there ready for fire!"
Take a few looks at O'Brien's outrageous stunt below.
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