We're sure there's some strange piece of historical trivia that explains why snacks have become such an integral part of the moviegoing experience, but as far as we're concerned, movie candy always has been and always will be. Technology has barreled ahead to give us truly breathtaking visuals, to the point that you can't even see what you're about to chow on because of the 4K-3D-FuckYourRetinas glasses, but the mouth noises your seat neighbors are subjected to indicate the snacking hasn't subsided.

And while improved visuals mean higher ticket prices, you're not about to roll in with a hidden satchel of outside snacks like some prison wife on visiting day. So to help you get the most bang for your buck at the concession stand, we've ranked 36 movie theater candies from worst to best. Get to arguing up top.

What's your #1 movie candy? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter @antennamag.

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