You Should Watch This ‘Batkid Begins’ Trailer
The Batkid took over San Francisco — and the Internet — last November, when he saved "Gotham City" from evil. Batkid, aka 5-year-old cancer patient Miles Scott, was an inspiration to the world. Aside from being wildly cute because let's get real any five-year-old in a Batman costume c'mon, Miles was also taking names and kicking asses as a superhero.
Ben Affleck tweeted him. President Obama gave him a shout out on Vine. The Batkid was a worldwide celebrity.
His story was incredible in the way that it brought people together, all rallying for the Batkid. Now, filmmaker Dana Nachman is on a mission to create a full-length documentary about that day last year, November 13, when Batkid took over the world and saved his city. Watch the trailer below (just make sure there are no onions lying around) and check out the movie's KickStarter page here.
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