T.I. Gives Message to Donald Trump: ‘F— You And F— What You Stand For’
T.I. has some harsh words for Donald Trump: "F--- you and f--- what you stand for."
In a video posted on Instagram, Tip addresses the Republican presidential hopeful. The rapper/actor says he is saying it "nonviolently" but that the words come unapologetically. He also went on to explain that anyone who supports the Atlanta rhymer will not support Trump.
The caption continued the message as well. "I know u got plans for my people that are contrary to OUR BEST INTERESTS. Make no mistake... WE AINT ON THE SAME SIDE," it read.
But that wasn't the end of his tirade against Trump. On Monday afternoon (March 14), T.I. reposted a photo from R&B singer Tyrese that showed the seriousness of Trump's rise to power.
"Is this the representative u want to lead the free world?" read the caption of the photo. "Dis ain't about race,religion,democrat,or republican... Dis is a pure question of character, a lack of moral fabric, & fundamental principles. We are no longer the greatest nation if we let dis slide. He's making a mockery of democracy. IF I GOT ANYTHING TO DO WIT IT AINT NO WAY DIS SH*T GOIN DOWN!!!! I don't care who else u vote for,what political party they represent, or why you choose them....JUST VOTE!!! Failing to vote is a vote for This CLOWN!!!"
We hear you T.I., now if only the rest of the country could as well.
T.I. has certainly been in a political state of mind lately. His Instagram biography simply reads, #JusticeforSandraBland. He's also been traveling Cape Town, South Africa where he saw the prison that held Nelson Mandela for 27 years.
Check out his posts above and below.
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