Gun Range to Serve Alcohol and Probably a Heckuva Lot of Controversy
After you fire a shot you can down one.
This past Wednesday, lawmakers in Daytona Beach, Fla., approved a measure that gives the go-ahead for a gun range connected to a restaurant that serves alcohol.
Guns and alcohol? This sounds about as wise as letting Jared Fogle team up with Big Brothers Big Sisters.
The Daytona Beach News-Journal explained how the new business will take precautions against something going wrong:
If a restaurant customer orders an alcoholic beverage, his or her driver's license will be scanned by staff along with the licenses of everyone else at their table. If the person drinking wanted to go to the gun range after eating, his or her license would be scanned again and the customer would be flagged as someone blocked from shooting because of the alcohol sale. People who just show up at the range and don't go to the restaurant, or who don't drink at the restaurant, will still have to sign an affidavit stating they are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Guns will also not be allowed inside the restaurant.
Owner Ron Perkinson said, "Safety is obviously key and No. 1 for not only me, but everyone else there. Everything is going to be revolved around safety."
Gun ranges that also offer alcohol actually already exist in Georgia and Oklahoma.
What do you think? Is this a good idea or is it just asking for trouble?
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