Watch Childish Gambino Diss Drake, Kendrick Lamar, and Schoolboy Q
Childish Gambino has a pretty rabid (and sizable) following, but he still seems to struggle against that similar "stay in your lane" invisible force Kanye is always talking about, with a large chunk of hip-hop fans refusing to take him seriously because he's an actor, a funny man. But Gambino just escalated things with a freestyle over the weekend in which he called out Drake, Kendrick Lamar, and Schoolboy Q.
Last night (July 27) in Sydney, Bino dissed Drizzy and TDE's two kings, leaving no ambiguity in his lyrics. With a possessed look in his eyes, he barked, "I'm the best rapper, definitely Top 5... I'll cut their head off. That's every rapper living. That's Kendrick. That's Drake. That's Schoolboy. That's everyone. I don't give a fuck. I'll fucking kill you niggas."
The disses come around the 2:00 mark.
And it didn't end there. He singled out Drake at another point in the show, rapping, "'This nigga think he Drake.' Nah, I ain’t Drake. I sing better. I do better. My shit wetter."
Whether his comments were wild inaccurate or not, and even though it's about a year late, this is exactly the type of shit the "Control" verse was supposed to spark.
[via AllHipHop]
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