Party Like a Filthy Rich Rock Star With This Champagne Machine Gun
File this under "stuff you has no idea you needed if you happen to have a spare few hundred dollars lying around."
The party supply company King of Sparklers is now selling this audacious and bodacious champagne machine gun. You know, for when simply handing a glass of bubbly to someone just won't suffice.
The weapon of thirst destruction costs $459 (but, good news -- you save $40) and is available in gold, rose gold and chrome, so if you can't decide, why not just get all three? Your liquor gun liquor cabinet will look naked without the whole set, right?
Whether you're a privileged kid living off your trust fund, a rapper tired of making it rain, the next Wolf of Wall Street or an athlete looking to add some spice to your team's clubhouse celebration after winning the championship, this is an essential addition to your collection of non-essential must-haves. Seriously, if you're not in any of those groups, you have no business getting this. You simply don't fit the targeted demographic.
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