That Just Might be Bigfoot Bathing in the Cass River near Flint, Michigan
I somehow always get sucked into these videos that tout the possibility of a Bigfoot sighting, especially if that potential sighting is here in Michigan. Apparently, I'm not alone, because over 18,000 people have viewed the video below (posted on YouTube by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization) in the last 24 hours.
So did Bigfoot really cross the Cass River last week?
The original video was submitted to the RMSO by Eddie V., whose cousin was kayaking on the Cass River last week when he spotted the creature in question.
"Not sure what it is, but I have sent it to a few people to see what they say," Eddie notes. "Some say it's Bigfoot carrying a baby Bigfoot, others say it's Bigfoot carrying a deer."
RMSO breaks down the video frame by frame, along with a slow-motion analysis.
Those who took the time to comment on the YouTube video are torn as to whether or not this sighting is the real deal.
Scott Who? writes:
"This is a hard one. I mean if it’s fake then it’s a interesting way of faking it. But I have a feeling it’s real. But hard to really know. Still a great video."
leroylem51 is also convinced:
"The stride is huge and the gait is Bigfoot like. The Infant swings to the right... this can't be faked... It's a she-squatch and child. Double down on this one."
Others are more skeptical. Keith Driver weighed in:
"I would love for this to be real. I see a hunter in a brown jacket. Probably carrying his dog. I just can't get to this is sasquatch."
So what do you think? I really don't know if that's Bigfoot, but I know I'll always take the bait and watch with anticipation whenever one of these videos is posted.