The hip-hop community has been vocal about the outrages that have occurred in Ferguson, Missouri, over the past month following the fatal police shooting of unarmed teen Michael Brown. In addition to tweets and songs, you have guys like Killer Mike, penning an op-ed for Billboard and appearing on CNN to discuss race in America...
Hip-hop has finally, officially snatched the throne from rock to become America's most popular music genre, and it's been thrilling to watch. Rap is absolutely leading the charge in cultural influence, style, and sonic innovation, and the genre's growth and evolution in the last five years has been staggering...
Yeah yeah, so we gave Canada a few seconds in the spotlight earlier this week. But now it's time to celebrate the Stars and Stripes. Centuries ago, our founding fathers courageously declared "America, fuck yeah!" and created this beautiful bastion of Kid Rock and corn subsidies, so it's your duty to throw the illest Independence Day cookout in their honor...