Most NBA teams spent Thursday night in Brooklyn trying to add firepower to their roster. Here’s a recap of the players and teams that made headlines at the 2017 NBA Draft.
Do you keep score in your pickup games using 1- and 2-point shots rather than 2- and 3-point shots? Because you shouldn't. Why, you ask? Because of math.
Here's a badly kept secret about me: I love Shaquille O'Neal. Always have. I taste-tested every flavor of Soda Shaq, for crying out loud. Ask me to tell you about my never-written script for Caddy-Shaq someday.
Dark Horse comics editor Jim Gibbons and writer/artist Ethan Young clearly feel the same way. As a palate cleanser to cheer themselves up after collaborating on Young's amazing-looking but also emotionally draining graphic novel Nanjing the Burning City, the two teamed up for another, wholly different project in which the Shaq of 1993 is convinced by former Charlotte Hornet Larry Johnson in the guise of Grandmama (remember Grandmama?) to spring ahead to the year 2030 to challenge a mysterious dictator to a game of one-on-one for the fate of the world.
You thought the NCAA championship game was big? This is bigger.
The Yeezus Tour is currently on its Australian leg, so during some down time Kanye & Co. hit up a local gym in Perth to play some pickup ball. And while it's hard to tell from a few photos whether Kanye can actually hoop or not, it looks like he went between-the-legs crossover on some old white Aussie bro. Wh...
The best player on the USA Basketball roster is stepping away from the team weeks before the FIBA Basketball World Cup in Spain. Kevin Durant has withdrawn from Team USA, citing mental and physical fatigue. From USA Basketball:
USA Basketball National Team Managing Director Jerry Colangelo today announced that Kevin Durant (Oklahoma City Thunder) has informed USA Basketball that he was withdrawing
The artist formerly known as Ron Artest is an altogether different kinda cat. We know this. If you're not already following Metta — er, Panda — on Twitter, you're doing Twitter wrong. The man literally quits Twitter every few hours, then tweets incessantly for the next five days...
There's something inherently dope about dunking over a cop car. It's not only a great feat of athleticism, but also some kind of symbolic intersection of community building and "fuck the police" vibes.
So this weekend, when Staten Island hooper Brian Hogan-Gary shut down the “Under the Lights” basketball tournament at the Berry Houses in Dongan Hills, people were like YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO